Advanced Energy

About the Program

The Advanced Energy Program (High-Tech/Bio-Tech) is an energy efficiency program designed to help eligible PG&E customers save money by achieving next-generation energy performance.

We serve facilities managers for offices, manufacturing, R&D, laboratories, clean rooms, data centers, and data labs. Additionally, we can assist property facilities management companies in achieving their service goals. Our team has extensive experience completing energy projects across large multi-site campuses and portfolios.

The Advanced Energy Program (AEP) provides a no-cost Energy Audit, connecting you with an energy expert and your PG&E Account Manager. Together we identify, approve, fund, and complete energy-saving projects for you.

Our unique, comprehensive approach identifies projects from low-cost controls to equipment retrofits. We handle complex HVAC systems and central plants, lighting, data center equipment, refrigeration, sensitive process equipment, and more. After completion, we provide a Verification Report detailing savings and achievements.

How it Works

01. Contact Us

Contact us for a quick and simple screening evaluation to confirm if you are eligible.

02. Project Identification

Program experts complete a detailed energy audit, develop an installation plan, and calculate your incentives.

03. Project Installation

Selected measures are installed using in-house staff, a qualified contractor of your choice, or a turnkey Delivery Partner.

04.Energy Savings Verification

Program experts confirm savings and provide you with the verification report detailing the achieved impacts.

05.Incentive Payment

Financial incentives to reduce project costs $0.10/kWh and $1.00/therm on claimable savings. Meter based projects are available to maximize claimable savings and incentives




Expert technical assistance and energy audit at no cost.

Personalized end-to-end project support.

Bill savings and quantified GHG reductions.

Financial incentives of $0.10/kWh and $1.00/therm are available on claimable savings to reduce project costs.


Provide to your employees and clients a safer, more comfortable workplace with your new energy upgrades.

Who’s Eligible?


High-Tech/Bio-Tech customers, including Technology manufacturers, aerospace, scientific R&D, biopharmaceuticals, academic research, and more.

Customer must receive electric and/or gas service from PG&E and pay the Public Goods Charge or Public Purpose Program Surcharge.

Customers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for acceptance into the program.

technology PROJECTS

million kWh saved

Contact Us

Telephone: 888.237.4334

Email: [email protected]